What is your take? Introducing Super Poll.

Vote on an answer to a funny, thought-provoking, or controversial topic. Then discuss it amongst your team members!

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companies worldwide

How does Brightful work?

Host a game room

Share, Invite & Play

Most points win!

Choose from multiple game modes and categories. 

Invite your friends, colleagues or family to vote on a Super Poll!

Brightful automatically tally answers so you can focus on the fun.

Host a Super Poll with friends now.

Easily start a poll with friends, family, or colleagues. There is nothing to download, nothing to install, all of our activities work across all browsers and devices.

What does everyone think?

There are no right or wrong answers here! Vote on whatever you personally feel is the right one, and be prepared to discuss why you chose what you chose with your team members - with hilarious and interesting results!

Bring your own questions!

Create fully customized polls with your own selection of questions and answers. 

Endless source of fun

With plenty of interesting, extraordinary, and thought-provoking prompts to vote on, you'll never run out of fun poll questions to discuss with your team. 

How teams use Brightful?



Online Events

Build an amazing team culture even within remote teams. No matter where your team is around the world, connect by playing our games at your next virtual team meeting. Brightful is designed to facilitate conversation, sharing and team bonding.

Take your online classroom to the next level with engaging, accessible and educational games. With game room capacity large enough to accommodate your entire class, keep your lessons fun and fresh with Brightful.

Streamline your online event icebreakers by hosting a Brightful game. With the ability to join in seconds without sign up, you can ensure all your attendees are engaged and warmed up before you begin your main content.

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BRIGHTFUL™ is a trademark of Brightful Innovations Company Limited